Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year!

                                           Say Happy New Year in ten different languages

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of Year

As the Christmas song goes, "It's the most wonderful time of the year."

But first comes that time presently upon us of preparation for Christmas. And one of the very best ways of preparing for Christmas is to start giving gifts early -- not so much the kind of gifts we usually give to relatives and friends on Christmas, but the life-saving and life-enhancing gifts of money and service to those most in need, especially those who are living on the edge of survival.

For countless poor human beings who dwell in the shadows of our nation and world, unseen and uncared for, such gifts are priceless.

So allow me to suggest several ways you can make a Christmas difference in the lives of some of our suffering brothers and sisters. Since there was no room at the inn for Joseph, Mary and Jesus, consider volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen.
As you know, this time of the year is the saddest time for lonely people, especially those who have recently lost a loved one or have no one to love them. Think about contacting a lonely soul and befriending him or her. If you don't know of anyone, ask a friend or your church.
Perhaps you might be able to put together a Christmas basket for a poor family. Again, your church or local social services agency should be able to help. Think about stopping by a nursing home. Many nursing home residents never get a visitor.

Making a donation to your church is also a fine idea.  From food distribution to low cost counseling to public policy advocacy, churches will put your gift to good work.

We still have time before Christmas to reach out to the poor and vulnerable near and far. And by doing so, our hearts will be ever more ready to sing, "It's the most wonderful time of the year!"