Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall Vegetables


A member of the cabbage family, broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C – providing 245% of your recommended daily allowance per 1 cup serving – as well as vitamin K and vitamin A. A multi-talented little vegetable, broccoli is thought to have excellent anti-cancer properties. The phytonutrient indole, for example, suppresses a chemical that is thought to support tumor growth, while sulforophane is thought to detoxify the body, flushing out potentially carcinogenic substances. As such, studies have linked the consumption of broccoli with a reduced risk of cancers of the bladder, liver, lung, colon, breast, ovaries and prostate. In addition, broccoli is an excellent source of bone-fortifying calcium and a great source of folic acid, which is thought to reduce the risk of birth defects. Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked, but recent studies suggest that if you do plan on cooking it, steaming is the best way to preserve all of the vegetables various enzymes and nutrients.

  Brussels Sprouts           

Another member of the cabbage – or brassica – family, Brussels sprouts are also much touted for their cancer-fighting properties. However, Brussels sprouts in particular are often touted for their fiber, containing 4 grams of equal parts soluble and insoluble fiber. In addition, these teeny tiny cabbages are also thought to provide significant cardiovascular benefits and help reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, a degenerative form of arthritis that often occurs with aging. Although available year round, Brussels sprouts peak in the fall. They are best cooked whole or sliced in half, and are tasty when steamed or sauteed and served as a side dish.


Available year round in grocery stores, cabbage will be at its best – and readily available at your local farmers’ market – towards the end of fall. As the head of the cabbage family, cabbage provides all of the health benefits of broccoli and Brussels sprouts, but, when juiced and drunk over the course of 10 days, can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to heal a peptic ulcer! When cooking cabbage – or just about any cruciferous vegetable – it’s important to note that breaking it apart – either through slicing, cutting or chewing – activates myrosinase enzymes, which in turn aid the release of anti-carcinogenic glucosinolates. Although these enzymes are denatured when you cook cabbage, you can preserve the amount of glucosinolates by slicing or chopping the cabbage and then letting it sit for between 10 and 15 minutes before lightly cooking, steaming or sautéing for no more than 5 minutes.


Guess what? This one’s another member of the cabbage family.  Its only real distinction being that it lacks the chlorophyll necessary to give it the vibrant green hue of its relatives. But if there’s one advantage cauliflower does have, it’s that it is so darn adaptable! Do you miss eating carb-laden mash potatoes or having your stir fry over rice? Cauliflower makes a believable – yet far healthier – alternative (and with just a flip of the food processor switch!) And, new research shows that if you sprinkle your cauliflower with the spice turmeric, you can reduce the severity of prostate cancer, both in terms of tumor growth and metastasis. Although people generally only eat the heads of the cauliflower (known as the curds), the stem and leaves are also edible and can be used to add some extra flavor to soup stocks.


Yes, onions are available year round, but they are truly at their peak in the fall and winter. A true staple in the kitchen, onions are used to add flavor to sauce, soup, stew, eggs, and salads or even as a side dish all on their lonesome! Sulfur, the compound in the onion that gives it that great taste, also provides many of its health benefits. For example, sulfur is thought to reduce blood pressure and may also help to regulate blood cholesterol. In addition, onions are rich in chromium, which is thought to help prevent fluctuations in blood glucose levels, and contains a number of flavonoids that promote gastrointestinal health and reduce the risk of several types of cancer. Still not convinced? Onions have a number of anti-inflammatory agents that can help reduce the severity of symptoms associated with arthritis, asthma, and even the respiratory inflammation associated with good ol’ seasonal cold and flu!


If there were ever a symbol that fall has arrived, it’s the pumpkin! In fact, pumpkin is such a great fall vegetable, that tomorrow we’ll be dedicating an entire post to these tubby orange orbs and we’ll be following up with a whole slew of Primal-approved – and fall friendly – recipes!


We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: Spinach is one heck of a vegetable! Spinach is a great source of vitamin K and vitamin A, as well as folate, magnesium and iron. In terms of specific health benefits, the various compounds in spinach are thought to help reduce the risk of several types of cancer, including tumors of the stomach, prostate, and skin, and also act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce the severity of symptoms associated with asthma, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. When shopping for spinach, look for firm, crisp, deep green leaves. Spinach is great as a base for salads, delicious when added to soups or casseroles to provide bulk or simply on its own, cooked, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and black pepper.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Texas Native Plant Week

As water becomes scarce due to ongoing drought conditions, we are facing another problem – the loss of native plants and habitats. Our native grasses, wildflowers, trees and shrubs, which support habitats for wildlife, are destroyed by the constant and progressive building on land supporting our native Texas heritage.

It is of utmost importance that we restore the native plant species serving as the primary elements needed for the ecosystem restoration due to excessive loss of habitats.

The importance of native plants lies in the benefits they offer:

  • Provide food sources (seeds, nuts, nectar and fruits for birds, bats, pollinating insects and butterflies)
  • Attract insects for birds to consume
  • Provide habitats for birds, wildlife and larval host plants for butterflies

Additional benefits include:

  • Requires less maintenance compared to introduced species
  • Tolerates and resists local diseases, pests, and lack of water
  • Protects the soil with long root systems
  • Protects water quality by controlling soil erosion
  • Minimizes the use of fertilizers and pesticides
  • Costs less and delivers more benefits
  • Conserves valuable water
  • Unlikely to become invasive
  • Low lawn maintenance with our native buffalo grass
  • Adds beauty to the landscape
  • Preserves our natural heritage to share with our children and their children

Although we promote Texas Native Plant Week the third week of October, it is vital to promote native plants and habitats all year long. A native landscape habitat works in harmony with all its surroundings giving us a sense of community across our state.