Monday, April 15, 2013

Turn Your Residential Design into Edible Landscaping

Grow herbs next to perennials; let parsley and sage take advantage of early morning light next to your perennials that welcome visitors to your door.  Along your Arborvitae row, plant garlic bulbs for cooking as well as acting to keep neighbors’ dogs away from tender, young bushes.

Nowadays, everyone is talking about edible landscape on any size property.  Plants such as vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, herbs and edible flowers qualify.  A grape arbor or kitchen garden for herbs, salad greens, and colorful vegetables might have their own space or can be mixed into existing perennial beds.

As grocery prices soar, the quality and flavor of produce drop.  Organics are on the rise each year.  People want control of their food source, especially wanting to know that few or no chemicals have been used.  Modern-day solutions include edible landscaping, home gardens, community garden plots, buying from a local farm and farmers markets, where growers answer questions about the processes used on their individual farms.

Historical victory gardens were a war effort but they are needed now more than ever to address health and well-being as well as environmental issues.  Instead of buying tired, imported, waxed vegetables from the store maybe we should have vegetable gardens in every front, back or side yard.  Home-grown vegetables taste good so we will eat them.  Think about growing your own garden next time you go to the grocery store to buy vegetables.  As Mr. Food would say  “It’s so good!”


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