Let’s face it: Farm
animals have it rough. Sure, it’s all the problems related to factory farming,
but it’s also just being, as one former president liked to put it, misunderestimated.
Farm animals have fascinating abilities, quirky personalities, and many hidden
talents that are grossly under-appreciated in our society. And now’s a good
time to change that. Of course, there are millions of reasons to have a heart
for the chickens, turkeys, pigs and cows, but here are five of my favorites.
1. Chickens may be the
most romantically inclined of all farm animals. They create strong social bonds and, in a
natural environment, males will call hens over to share their food, even
picking up and dropping food repeatedly in front of a hen as an offering. Hens
make devoted mothers, too. Research reveals that even before her chicks hatch,
a hen will call to them, and they respond from within their eggs. John Webster,
emeritus professor at Bristol University, said that the way a hen teaches her
chicks what to eat, where to find food, and what to avoid “is pretty close to
culture—and an advanced one at that.”
2. Studies prove that
pigs are smarter than our canine friends. On video game tests (yes, pigs can play videogames using
joysticks they control with their mouths), they can perform as well as
primates. Like a cat’s whiskers, a pig’s snout provides her with heightened
senses to navigate and interact with her environment. In fact, pigs’ noses are
so sensitive that they can smell roots and tubers deep underground, a skill that’s
been used for centuries to find truffles.
3. Science shows that
cows are good at figuring out problems and take pleasure in finding solutions. Researchers who challenged cows to open a
door to get food measured the animals’ neural activity and found that their
“brainwaves showed the cows’ excitement [when they solved the problem]; their
heartbeat went up and some even jumped into the air. We called it their Eureka
4. Did you know that
Ben Franklin believed the turkey—not the bald eagle—should be America’s icon? “The turkey is in comparison a much more
respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America ... a bird of
courage,” Franklin said. His admiration was well founded. These birds are
smart, fast, and indeed brave. And turkeys have something in common with
peacocks, too. Ever seen a wild tom (male turkey) trying to romance a hen? With
his tail feathers stretching up and wings jutting downward, he doubles his size
in an attempt to woo the apple of his eye.
5. Need a fifth reason to have a heart for
farm animals? Like dogs and cats,
farm animals are individuals with personalities, preferences, and most
importantly, a desire to enjoy life instead of suffer.